Sorority Life For a Beginner

Have you ever played Sorority Life(SL) in Facebook (FB)?
If yes, then how was it?. How many time you are depressed by the snobbish girls there? Ive played SL when i first joined FB more about a year ago and i've learnt a lot through the game. Let see some of the tips to survive in the rough life in SL.

1. Get a job
Similar to real life, you need to get yourself a job first in order to survive.

2. Level up
Next, level up so that you can get yourself a job with better pay. You need lots of money to equip your sisters and yourself with glams to be better than other houses. hey...Welcome to the glam world girls...

3. Have lots of members/ sisters in your house
By having lots of sisters would have help during your fight with other players. Like other games, sisters or neighbours can send you gifts which is needed to increase your competitive advantage over other players.

4. Be generous
Send as many gift as you can to your sisters so that they will return the favours. There a lots of goods items offered from time to time which is useful for event organising as well as to improve your house strength.

5. Spend within your means
Some of the items have upkeep cost. Which mean you have to bear the maintenance cost when you bought it. It would be charged hourly. Therefore, make sure that the total cost would be less than your total income so that you have some portion as saving. Now you know that SL also teach Economy and Financial Management...

6. Save, save save
Put aside some money in your bank. Even though they will charge you 10%, it will be safer during fight or attack. The girls wont be able to take your money. Huh.. life is rough isnt it. I've told you.. SL has Financial Management as compulsory subject...

There are lots of thing i wanna share but i think for a beginner, this is sufficient for now. Later i would share some tips on how to survive. Just to let you know, i've been bullied when i start to level up because it would be tougher and rougher up there. But not anymore. We'll see what we can share about it later.


  1. dh putus asa jak main SL..coz bank ya eksyen gilak...sik mok saving duit ikit..nk banyak jak...hampehh

  2. yalah mun gik awal2 ya iboh meli barang banyak gilak.. pastikan cashflow besar.. jadi mun tido pun duit masih masuk... :).. m yah ari ya dah fedap juak, lamak sik main... tapi kak ya rearrange strategy, dah sik kenak buli gik... ok lah juak nak ngabis energy sekali sehari mun atang heng...

  3. dolok2 gik ok..kenak attack bkn jd hal..lumrah dlm bila bank pun dh molah hal ngada2 cm ya..adehh..geram jak...bkn sekadar kenak attack jak..duit pon sik pat nk saving d bank..alu abis duitkuu...kmk jarang meli barang..kumpul brownies jak...mun ingin meli barang2 barulah...


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