As the Crow Flies

Actually so far, Jeffrey Archer is my most favourite author. I've fallen in love with his books when i first read this book during my campus life.

About this book, it was first published in 1991. It consists 49 chapters and 738 pages. Quite thick huh.... However, I dare you to pick the book and try to read the first three chapters and you'll know what I meant. After all, that is how Archer wrote his books....

So far I've read the book thrice and still manage to grab new point to laugh about.. It was about a Charlie Trumper's life from his childhood up to his success business life... It was described from different point of view; he himself, his wife, his son, his friend and even those antagonists. His up and down in business, his life in war, his friendship as well as his meeting with the Prime Minister.

Masih belum teruja?... How about this?.. Like other of his books, I found that I'll be more wiser every time i read this book. It's like reading textbook but with so many funny tales come with it..

Enough with the sweets and chocolates... I'll let you enjoy the thrill yourself... The price range of the book is between RM30 to RM40.00. The book may be seen on shelf at Sibu; Richmount and bookstore at Wisma Sanyan (I can't remember the name). At Kuching, many bookstores offer this author's writing but I can propose for you to have a visit to Times (PArkson), Belle's (nama lama)(Sarawak Plaza) or Berita Book Center (I can't remember it's new name) at Jalan Haji Taha.

So, enjoy your reading and let me know what is your opinion... :).

Jan 20, '06 11:02 PM

Quoted from my own posting at
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