
I bought this book few years back.

There are 1001 sudoku puzzles inside it. My earlier games were dated as early as January 2010.

The book will always be there at the corner where I can easily retrieve it whenever I need break from other more important activities.

After some time, I can feel that the book is worth my RM52 for it. Eventhough it is thick, it is not that heavy because the paper is very thin. I can easily bring it everywhere. You know it is difficult to stop when you are in the middle of completing the puzzle. As long as your bag is spacious. Mine is big enough, MPH tote bag.

When you do Soduku, make sure it is done in pencil and the eraser is always at your side. Mine is 2B FaberCastell with soft lead, I use it with eraser pencil topper. So convenient. Of course you need to erase all the numbers when at the end of the game, you are stucked some where. The paper, eventhough it is thin and look cheap, it didn't tear out with heavy erasing activity. Maybe the fact that the pencil I used is soft and the eraser is good also a bonus.

With 1001 available puzzles with varying degrees of difficulty- from easy to very hard, it is up to you to choose you game level. Start with easy for beginner or jump to very hard once the easy level is not challenging you anymore. How about go back to easy when you have exhausted all your skill and stucked somewhere up there. You never know, by trying back the easy level when you already gone through advance level will give you some tips on how to deal with the rough life up there.

So, why not visit your nearby bookstore and grab 1001 Brain Training - Sudoku. Worth buying....


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